Lucas小旅行: 短聚國泰玉衡堂頭等貴賓室 Flashing @ The Pier First Class Lounge


A bit rush for me today in the Airport,
so I only flash stay at The Pier First Class Lounge by Cathay Pacific.
Let's Lucas Little Traveler to share my stay to all of you!

叫了必點的Cathay Delight,
前菜就叫了人參雞湯, 正氣又暖胃!
另外加點了十分清新的熱帶大蝦沙律, 很開胃呢!

Firstly, I went to grab some food for my hungry body.
I ordered the signature Drink Cathay Delight.
Double boiled soup with ginseng and chicken made me warm and
a very refreshing topical shrimp salad!

主菜點了牛臉頰肉, 很軼淋淋

For the main dish,
I ordered the beef cheek which the texture is very soft.
At the same time,
a tasty Fennel-Rubbed Grouper A La Nicoise
with a nice name and good outlook!

最後甜點有紫薯布丁和Marsala Sayabon作結!
Dessert was Purple Sweet Potato Pudding and Marsala Sayabon.


Still have time after a wonderful dinner,
so I went to the 15mins massage which made me feel relaxed.
I am ready for my upcoming 12 hour long haul flight!

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Lucas小旅行: 短聚國泰玉衡堂頭等貴賓室 Flashing @ The Pier First Class Lounge Lucas小旅行: 短聚國泰玉衡堂頭等貴賓室 Flashing @ The Pier First Class Lounge Reviewed by logbook on 下午3:04 Rating: 5

